The Health Benefits of Meditation

Bozhana Marinova
4 min readAug 31, 2021


It’s a wonderful summer evening. You’re having а delicious homemade meal while listening to your favorite music. Enjoying the sweet moment should be the most natural thing in this case. But then all of a sudden the brain starts wandering. Thoughts about chores, regrets for the past, anxieties for the future, or grief come uninvited and create uneasiness. Sometimes, even the perfect external conditions cannot soothe the stress within us.

Meditation is a practice that could successfully change this for the better. It is perfect for older adults as it has many psychological and physical benefits and can help manage the uncertainties of retirement and aging. The best part is that you only need a little time and a quiet place.

Understanding meditation

Opposite to popular belief, meditating is not about turning off all thoughts, as this rеquires a lot of experience. It is a state in which you concentrate on your breath, a word, a mantra, or an image. Whenever thoughts appear, you simply need to observe them, accept them, and refocus again. This non-judgemental way of perception leads to tranquility and awareness of the present moment. Gradually, you will be able to focus without repeated interruptions for long periods.

All you need to meditate is a comfortable and noise-free space. There are different meditation positions, which you can experiment with. Sit with your legs crossed, kneel, lie down on the floor, or stand up straight- the way that feels right is your way.

When it comes to timing, most experts recommend meditating between 5 and 20 minutes. While time may vary, what is most important is consistency. Make meditation part of your routine, and results will very soon be noticeable.

The benefits of meditation for seniors

The quiet reflection of meditation has many advantages for all ages. The ones that are particularly beneficial for seniors include:

1. Reduced anxiety

As meditation requires relaxing the body and mind and returning to the present moment, it can also help you deal with the negative emotions that are sometimes overwhelming. According to researchers, meditating consistently can reduce anxiety as effectively as antidepressants. Irrational phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or post-traumatic stress are some anxiety disorders whose conditions could be improved through meditation.

2. Improved concentration

Zoning out during joyful moments or losing focus while acquiring new skills could be really unpleasant. Meditation is the workout you need to improve concentration. Since the practice requires the mind to stay at the present moment, it is a good exercise for a sharper focus. There are different techniques, but each of them directs the attention at a specific point. With time, the ability to put all your energy into a single action is strengthened and becomes useful in real-life situations.

3. Improved sleep

Many seniors suffer from the unpleasant effects of insomnia. Whether it is about the inability to fall asleep and the constant tossing in bed, or it is thе early wakening, meditation is one successful way to improve sleep quality. Recent research shows that mindfulness meditation can effectively treat different aspects of sleep disturbances. It works for achieving a relaxed state, which is a prerequisite for an uninterrupted good night’s sleep.

4. Normalized blood pressure

Studies show that meditation could trigger the parasympathetic nervous system, which can lower blood pressure. There are many serious diseases connected with high blood pressure, so precaution is always a good idea. Related problems might increase amongst older adults as the heart arteries get stiffer with age. While meditation on its own cannot cure severe conditions, it is a successful addition to conventional medicine and perfect for prevention.

Try meditation in a supportive environment

Meditation is one of the natural ways to improve your overall health and help you have a more fulfilling and stress-free life. Also, it is a fun way to meet different people and start new friendships. Kristina Shafton, one of the guest lecturers at GetSetUp, offers online Yoga and Meditation classes for seniors in small supportive groups. Kristina is a professional yoga, meditation, and spin instructor, who believes that every single day is a gift and a chance for advancement. Her classes combine guided meditation with gentle yoga movements and breathing exercises. The classes are perfect for beginners who want to learn to meditate and take advantage of the many health benefits of meditation.

